Drugs for the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men

how to treat prostatitis in men with medication

Inflammation of the prostate is a problem for many men over 40 years old. Very often, this disease becomes chronic. This is due to the neglect of the pathology, as men rarely go to the doctor when the first symptoms appear. Also, prostatitis becomes chronic due to the influence of negative factors. At this stage, various medications are prescribed for the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men, as the therapy has to be long and complex.

But in order for remission in the event of an illness to last longer, a man must not only take all the medication prescribed for treatment, but also lead a healthy lifestyle and follow a prescribed diet. by the attending physician.

Factors that provoke and exacerbate prostatitis include:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • wrong diet.

Chronic prostatitis

Many men do not realize how devastating this disease is for their body. If you do not get medical therapy on time, chronic prostatitis can be complicated. These complications include:

  • prostate abscess;
  • formation of cysts and stones in the prostate gland, which can only be treated with surgery;
  • vesikuliti. In this disease, inflammation of the seminal vesicles occurs;
  • prostate sclerosis occurs most often due to untreated prostatitis and treatment of this complication is performed only during surgery;
  • impotence;
  • infertility
  • ;
  • and sometimes prostate cancer.

The symptoms and treatment of these complications are different, but all of these pathologies are severe. Most often, these complications are treated with surgery.

All complications can be prevented by regular visits to the urologist and proctologist. Especially men after 45 years should visit these doctors once a year. And do lab tests (total concentration and PSA).

Medications for the treatment of chronic prostatitis

How to treat prostatitis? There are several medications needed to treat chronic prostatitis, as prostatitis cannot be treated with one medication. Complex therapy includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics. It is also very important to take medications that support vitamins and immunity.

Antibacterial drugs

Which groups of medications will be prescribed for chronic prostate depends on the causes of its occurrence. If the infectious nature of the disease is identified, then the main components of therapy will be antibacterial drugs. As a rule, they are solved with a wide range of actions, but sometimes others are appointed. The duration of treatment for exacerbation in chronic prostate depends on the severity of its occurrence. It may take 14 days or even 3 months to take antibiotics.

Prescriptions can be completely different, as appropriate laboratory tests for susceptibility to these drugs are performed prior to appointment. Most often, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of injections, less often tablets. Since these drugs in the form of injections are much faster and more effective.

Drugs from several groups are sometimes prescribed for acute inflammation.

Immunomodulators and immunostimulants

With chronic prostatitis, which is provoked by an infection, it is simply necessary to take immunomodulators. These drugs are taken together with antibiotics, as they promote better penetration of the active substance into the focus of inflammation, and they also restore the balance of the components of the immune system, so the body itself begins to actively fight inflammation. Also, with chronic prostatitis, it is recommended to take these medications 2 times a year as a preventative measure.

This type of medicine should only be prescribed by a doctor, as incorrect dosing and prolonged use of immunomodulators can lead to the opposite effect, namely a chronic decrease in immunity. These drugs are available in the form of a solution for injection and rectal suppositories. Most often, in the period of exacerbation, a course of 5-10 days in the form of injections is prescribed, and then a gradual transition to suppositories.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to relieve anxiety quickly, as they reduce inflammation and swelling. Thus, the pain is eliminated.

In particularly acute cases, these drugs are ineffective, then hormonal drugs are prescribed. Sometimes hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in physiotherapeutic procedures, namely electrophoresis, thus acting locally on the prostate. In this case, the hormonal drug does not have a general effect on the body.

Alpha blockers

This type of medicine is increasingly being prescribed today for chronic prostatitis. Alpha blockers act on the bladder and prostate gland, respectively their receptors. Therefore, they relax the muscles, making urination easier. This means that the pain when urinating is eliminated.

But these drugs affect blood pressure indicators, alpha-blockers lower it. They are contraindicated in people who have severe hypotension. This combination will lead to dangerous consequences.


Severe pain in the perineum is common during the exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. In this case, striated muscle spasms occur. This means that the use of antispasmodics and muscle relaxants is required.

Tonic and general tonic drugs

This group includes drugs that are prescribed to improve glandular function. And they must necessarily be described as part of the main medication therapy.

Current preparations

Current medications for the treatment of chronic prostatitis are particularly effective. In the case of prostatitis, these are rectal suppositories. In this form, pharmacological companies produce antispasmodics, antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of drugs in such a dosage form is possible both in the acute course of the disease, and in other cases, for example, after surgery.

Both suppositories and rectally injected oils are quite effective as they act directly on the prostate. When injected into the rectum, they sink into its walls and the prostate attaches only to the posterior wall of the intestine. Moreover, such drugs for the treatment of prostatitis do not pass throughout the body and liver, where a portion of the active substance is metabolized.

It is important to note that it is forbidden to prescribe such candles and oils yourself. Since a high concentration of the active substance is absorbed into the gland, and if used incorrectly, an overdose and complications can occur at the wrong dose.